1. Ayush Hommam- long living with prosperity
2. Upannasam Hommam - (poonool with gayathri manthra).
3. Thirukalyana Hommam- For couple of marriage.
4. Vasigara Hommam- For business development and interest in family.
5. SanthanaGopalaHommam- For getting new child birth.
6. NavagrahaHommam- For satisfaction of all planets.
7. VidyaHommam- Developing knowledge.
8. SudharassanaHommam- controlling enemies.
9. JyadhiHommam- getting peace of mind.
10. MirthuyunjayaHommam- For getting very long life period.
11. DhanakarshanaHommam- For getting high profits and rich income.
12. Poo – NeelaHomamm- All types of benefits to every home.
13. VarunaJapamHommam- For getting excessive water to this world.
14. GrahaPravesaHomam- For providing all successes to the newly constructed house.
15. Sri SukthaHommam- Avoid mental worries and for permanent happy life.
16. Sri VishuSukthaHommam- For getting wealthy life.
17. Pushkara Yagam- Prosperty to entire world.
18. VazhipattuHommam- For getting comfortable living.
19. AbishekaHommam- For enjoying blessings of lord Almighty.
20. KumbabishekaHommam- To increase divine power in temples.
21. GeethaHommam- For getting very clear king power.
22. DeepaVelvi- Relief from ignorance.
23. VirajaHommam- Relief from major sins.
24. Vishnu SahasranamaHommam- prosperity in family life.
25. Ganapathi Hommam-providing all wealth and health.
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